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2015-03-31 22:05 閱讀:842 來(lái)源:生物谷 作者:學(xué)**涯 責(zé)任編輯:學(xué)海無(wú)涯
[導(dǎo)讀] 日本OtsukaPharmaceuticals公司最近在美國(guó)聯(lián)邦地方****FDA濫用監(jiān)管權(quán)。


    不過,較真的日本人最近還真就把FDA告上了法庭。消息顯示,日本Otsuka Pharmaceuticals公司最近在美國(guó)聯(lián)邦地方****FDA濫用監(jiān)管權(quán),損害了旗下Abilify的市場(chǎng)權(quán)益,最終決定和FDA對(duì)簿公堂。

    說(shuō)來(lái)這一案件也夠離奇,一般而言,對(duì)于生物醫(yī)藥公司來(lái)說(shuō),當(dāng)他們的藥物上市時(shí)候,為了擴(kuò)大銷量唯恐FDA所批準(zhǔn)的適應(yīng)癥不夠多,覆蓋的患者群體不夠廣。而在這起案件中,Otsuka Pharmaceuticals卻希望這一藥物的適用癥范圍盡可能限制在一定人群中。



    然而,F(xiàn)DA卻于最近將Abilify的適用范圍擴(kuò)大至圖雷特綜合征(Tourette syndrome ,TS是一種相對(duì)普通的神經(jīng)紊亂,特征是無(wú)意識(shí)地快速抽搐,突然移動(dòng),或者發(fā)出聲音,并且以相同的方式重復(fù))的治療,根據(jù)相關(guān)規(guī)定,這也意味著Abilify將無(wú)法獲得延長(zhǎng)的排他性經(jīng)營(yíng)權(quán)。


    Japan's Otsuka Pharmaceuticals accused the U.S. FDA in a unique court suit of manipulating its regulatory procedures to kill off its 7-year exclusivity to market Abilify (a**iprazole) for treating Tourette syndrome in children.

    Under normal circumstances, a drugmaker wants as broad an indication or as many of them as possible to widen the scope of possible sales. In this case, Otsuka wants to keep its narrow, pediatric indication.

    Otsuka filed the suit in a federal district court, which could issue an injunction soon, seeking to reverse the FDA's action, which the Japan-based company called “arbitrary, capricious and unlawful abuse of its authority.” Up to $45.5 million could be hanging on the suit's outcome.

    Otsuka obtained 7-year exclusivity to market Abilify in December under the FDA's orphan drug procedures, based on the Tourette pediatric indication. Up to now, Abilify had been earning Otsuka $6.5 million a year as one of the leading antipsychotic drugs, including treatment for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

    In an almost Kafkaesque twist and why Otsuka is upset, Abilify's patent protection is set to expire April 20, opening it to generic competition. The orphan drug approval for treating Tourette's was Otsuka's way of keeping Abilify on the market as well as its new indication for an additional 7 years without a generic challenge.

    That is what Otsuka saw as the drug's near future until February, when the agency added what Otsuka might consider a Machiavellian twist. Apparently, the FDA stepped in and decided to lift the restriction of the new indication to pediatric use and give it a new indication for treating Tourette's at all ages. That had the effect, Otsuka argued in its suit, of eliminating the 7-year exclusivity intended for pediatric use, and thus opening that indication to generic competition next month.

    The argument Otsuka laid out in the suit and what the court must determine is whether the agency can approve Abilify for a broader segment of the population when no clinical trials have been conducted to test its safety and effectiveness in treating Tourette's in those age groups.





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