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【PPT】護理專業(yè)英語-ppt課件 - 醫(yī)學資源下載

2013-07-30 05:01 閱讀:2591 來源:愛愛醫(yī) 責任編輯:愛愛醫(yī)資源網
[導讀] 【PPT】護理專業(yè)英語-ppt課件 - 醫(yī)學資源下載 資源作者:yt120073738 資源分類:醫(yī)學 - 基礎醫(yī)學 資源屬性:PPT 資源售價:1 愛醫(yī)幣 資源大?。?.42M 關注入數:845 人
【PPT】護理專業(yè)英語-ppt課件 - 醫(yī)學資源下載
資源分類:醫(yī)學 - 基礎醫(yī)學
資源售價:1 愛醫(yī)幣
關注入數:845 人次
評論人數:0 人
上傳日期:2012-11-19 09:02:27
護理專業(yè)英語 What do you think is the scariest part in nursing English? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis What outcome do you expect from learning this session? Lesson One Scrubbing In to Master Medical Terminology Why do we study it? “I have a pain in my shoulder” “The problem is with the rotator cuff” Appendectomy :surgical removal of the appendix. And also… Saying someone has a badly broken wrist doesn’t convey as much as saying someone has a Salter-Harris II fracture of the right digital radius with moderate lateral displacement and 28 degrees of upward angulations. What do we study? Medical Terminology Reading a professional paper efficiently Idioms and colloquial English And how do we study? Is medical terminology really another language? it’s all English, or at least “English.” The Tale Behind the Terms Daily English whooping cough Athlete’s foot stroke Indigestion Intensive Care Unit Modernizing Medicine Electrocardiogram Antibiotics Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Atypical Pneumonias Mad cow disease Prefixes, Suffixes & Root words Prefix: Appears at the beginning of a word and tells the how, why, where, when, how much, how many, position, direction, time, or status. Root: Specifies the body part to which the term refers. Suffix: Appears at the end of a word and indicates a procedure, condition, or disease. Word Building Basics
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