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您所在的位置:首頁 > 血液科醫(yī)學進展 > 嗜中性粒細胞是調(diào)節(jié)胰島素新靶標


2013-01-28 13:14 閱讀:1489 來源:手牽手博客 作者:網(wǎng)* 責任編輯:網(wǎng)絡
[導讀] 中性粒細胞是參與組織炎癥反應的第一種免疫細胞,在炎癥部位發(fā)出信號,吸引大量白細胞聚集至炎癥部位。2型糖尿病患者中多數(shù)存在胰島素抵抗現(xiàn)象。有研究表明,在脂肪組織中常見的慢性低度炎癥是系統(tǒng)性胰島素抵抗的重要誘因。
  Neutrophils mediate insulin resistance in mice fed a high-fat diet through secreted elastase
  Chronic low-grade adipose tissue and liver inflammation is a major cause of systemic insulin resistance and is a key component of the low degree of insulin sensitivity that exists in obesity and type 2 diabetes1, 2. Immune cells, such as macrophages, T cells, B cells, mast cells and eosinophils, have all been implicated as having a role in this process3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Neutrophils are typically the first immune cells to respond to inflammation and can exacerbate the chronic inflammatory state by helping to recruit macrophages and by interacting with antigen-presenting cells9, 10, 11. Neutrophils secrete several proteases, one of which is neutrophil elastase, which can promote inflammatory responses in several disease models12. Here we show that treatment of hepatocytes with neutrophil elastase causes cellular insulin resistance and that deletion of neutrophil elastase in high-fat-diet–induced obese (DIO) mice leads to less tissue inflammation that is associated with lower adipose tissue neutrophil and macrophage content. These changes are accompanied by improved glucose tolerance and increased insulin sensitivity. Taken together, we show that neutrophils can be added to the extensive repertoire of immune cells that participate in inflammation-induced metabolic disease.





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