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2015-01-20 14:37 閱讀:1583 來源:醫(yī)脈通 作者:學**涯 責任編輯:學海無涯
[導讀] Ramucirumab(Cyramza,禮來)是特異性阻斷血管內皮生長因子受體2(VEGFR2)及下游血管生成相關通路的人源化單克隆抗體。美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)于2014年4月批準ramucirumab用于治療晚期胃癌或胃食管結合部腺癌。




    REACH試驗是一項全球性的、多中心、隨機、雙盲、3期研究,旨在評估RAM單藥治療既往接受過索拉非尼治療的晚期肝細胞癌患者的療效和安全性。REACH試驗的主要結果在2014年ESMO大會上展出。ITT人群(RAM組283例,安慰劑組[PBO]282例)總生存期(OS)的HR為0.866(95%CI 0.717,1.046,P=0.1391); RAM組中位OS為9.2個月,安慰劑組中位OS為7.6個月。對預先指定亞組的基線AFP(臨界值400 ng/mL)分析表明,AFP是RAM帶來生存獲益的預測指標。


    在基線AFP以400 ng/mL為臨界值的基礎上開展預先指定的亞組分析。采用分層/不分層的Cox回歸分析模型和相應的時序檢驗進行附加的分析,以評估基線AFP和RAM治療效果的相關性。


    在250例基線AFP≥400 ng/mL的患者中(RAM組119; PBO組131),總生存期的HR為0.67(95%CI 0.51-0.90; P =0.0059)。RAM組中位OS是7.8個月,PBO組中位OS是4.2個月。在417例基線AFP≥1.5×正常上限的患者中(ULN; RAM組205; PBO組212),RAM組中位OS是8.6個月,PBO組中位OS是5.7個月,HR為0.749(95%CI:0.603,0.930)(P =0.0088)。對基線AFP和RAM療效的關聯性的檢測(使用兩個臨界值[400 ng / mL和1.5 xULN])是有意義的(p分別=0.0272和0.0372)。RAM在這些人群的安全性與在總的安全人群中觀察到的安全性相似。附加的REACH分析表明,基線AFP對RAM帶來OS獲益的預測價值將被公布。


    在基線AFP≥400 ng/mL或≥1.5×ULN的患者中觀察到了具有臨床意義的OS改善。附加的分析表明,基線AFP可能是RAM治療帶來OS獲益的一個預測指標。


    Ramucirumab (RAM) as second-line treatment in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Analysis of patients with elevated α-fetoprotein (AFP) from the randomized phase III REACH study.(Abstract No:232)Background: REACH was a global, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, phase 3 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of RAM as a single agent for the treatment of pts with advanced HCC after prior sorafenib therapy. The primary outcome for REACH was presented at ESMO 2014. The overall survival (OS) HR for the ITT population (RAM 283; placebo [PBO] 282) was 0.866 (95% CI 0.717, 1.046; p=0.1391); median OS was 9.2m for RAM vs 7.6m for PBO. The pre-specified subgroup **ysis of baseline AFP (cutoff 400 ng/mL) suggested AFP is a predictive marker for RAM survival benefit.

    Methods: Pre-specified subgroup **ysis was performed based on baseline AFP with a cutoff of 400 ng/mL. Additional **yses were conducted using stratified/unstratified cox regression models and corresponding log rank test to evaluate the relationship between baseline AFP and RAM treatment effect.

    Results: In 250 pts with baseline AFP ≥400 ng/mL (RAM 119; PBO 131), OS HR was 0.67 (95% CI 0.51–0.90; p=0.0059)。 Median OS was 7.8m for RAM vs 4.2m for PBO. In 417 pts with a baseline AFP ≥1.5 × upper limit of normal (ULN; RAM 205; PBO 212), mOS was 8.6m for RAM vs 5.7m for PBO and the HR was 0.749 (95% CI: 0.603, 0.930) (p=0.0088)。 The interaction testing of baseline AFP and RAM treatment effect on OS using both cutoffs (400 ng/mL and 1.5 xULN) are significant (p-value = 0.0272 and 0.0372, respectively)。 The safety profile in these pt populations was similar to that observed in the overall safety population. Additional REACH **yses demonstrating the predictive value of baseline AFP for RAM treatment effect on OS will be presented.

    Conclusions: A clinically meaningful improvement in OS was observed in populations with a baseline AFP ≥400 ng/mL or ≥1.5 × ULN. Additional **yses demonstrated a consistent RAM OS benefit for the pt population with baseline AFP over a wide range of values above the normal range. Baseline AFP is a likely predictive marker for RAM OS benefit.






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