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您所在的位置:首頁(yè) > 呼吸科診療指南 > 2008年耐藥結(jié)核病規(guī)劃管理指南-緊急修訂版


2013-11-18 16:02 閱讀:1471 來(lái)源:愛(ài)愛(ài)醫(yī)資源網(wǎng) 責(zé)任編輯:李思杰
[導(dǎo)讀] 《2008年耐藥結(jié)核病規(guī)劃管理指南-緊急修訂版》內(nèi)容預(yù)覽 Guidelines Reference Group Jaime Bayona, Socios En Salud, Sucursal Peru, Lima, PeruJose Caminero, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,Paris, France Richard Coker, Lo


Guidelines Reference Group
Jaime Bayona, Socios En Salud, Sucursal Peru, Lima, PeruJose Caminero, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,Paris, France
Richard Coker, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London,UK
Charles Daley, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, CO,USA
Hamish Fraser, Partners In Health, USA
Jennifer Furin, Partners In Health, Boston, MA, USA
Giuliano Gargioni, WHO Stop TB Department, Geneva, Switzerland
Haileyesus Getahun, WHO Stop TB Department, Geneva, Switzerland
Charles Gilks, WHO HIV Department, Geneva, Switzerland
Case Gordon, World Care Council, Geneva, Switzerland
Reuben Granich, WHO HIV Department, Geneva, Switzerland
Diane Havlir, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
Einar Heldal, Independent consultant
Tim Holtz, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, At-lanta, GA, USA
Phil Hopewell, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
Rocío Hurtado, Massachusetts General Hsopital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA and Socios en Salud, PeruErnesto Jaramillo, WHO Stop TB Department, Geneva, SwitzerlandSalmaan Keshavjee, Partners In Health, Harvard Medical School, Boston,MA, USA
Catharina (Kitty) Lambregts van Weezenbeek, KNCV Tuberculosis Founda-tion, Netherlands







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