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2013-01-14 09:24 閱讀:1286 來源:睿醫(yī) 責任編輯:鄺兆進
[導讀] 《國際小兒耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜志》最新一項針對多種增強鼓膜(TM)穿孔愈合輔助治療療效的研究指出,盡管許多研究展示了有前景的結(jié)果,但是仍然有許多問題函待解決。





  Repair of tympanic membrane perforation using novel adjuvant therapies: A contemporary review of experimental and tissue engineering studies.

  Hong P, Bance M, Gratzer PF.

  SourceIWK Health Centre, Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; School of Human Communication Disorders, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


  OBJECTIVE: To perform a contemporary review of experimental studies to describe the effects of various novel adjuvant therapies in enhancing tympanic membrane (TM) perforation healing.

  METHODS: A PubMed search for articles from January 2000 to June 2012 related to TM perforation, along with the references of those articles, was performed. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to all experimental studies assessing adjuvant therapies to TM healing.

  RESULTS: Many studies have assessed the efficacy of biomolecules or growth factors, such as epidermal growth factors and basic fibroblast growth factors, in TM regeneration with significant success. More recent strategies in TM tissue engineering have involved utilizing bioengineered scaffold materials, such as silk fibroin, chitosan, calcium alginate, and decellularized extracellular matrices. Most scaffold materials demonstrated biocompatibility and faster TM perforation healing rates.

  CONCLUSION: Although several studies have demonstrated promising results, many questions still remain, such as the adequacy of animal models and long-term biocompatibility of adjuvant materials. As well, further studies comparing various adjuvant substances and bioscaffolds are required prior to clinical application.





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