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2014-01-07 11:48 閱讀:1468 來(lái)源:生物谷 作者:江* 責(zé)任編輯:江帆
[導(dǎo)讀]  棕色脂肪是“好”脂肪,坐落在我們的脖子的背部,幫助燃燒“壞的”白色脂肪。此外,研究人員還發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)可能的代謝開(kāi)關(guān),可以重新激活棕色脂肪。

  發(fā)表在2014年1月的FASEB Journal雜志上的一項(xiàng)最新研究中,科學(xué)家證實(shí)隨著年齡的增長(zhǎng),棕色脂肪的產(chǎn)熱活動(dòng)減少。


  Junko Sugatanii博士表示:研究是關(guān)于PAF / PAFR如何通過(guò)調(diào)控動(dòng)物以及人類的棕色脂肪中β3 -AR生成信號(hào)控制UCP1的水平,研究可發(fā)現(xiàn)新的治療靶點(diǎn)來(lái)治療與肥胖癥相關(guān)的代謝紊亂。





  Platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR)-deficient mice developed a more severe obese state characterized by higher body mass (?25%) and epididymal fat mass (?55%) with age than that of wild-type (WT) littermates. PAFR-deficient mice did not show changes in the expression of critical genes involved in anabolic and catabolic metabolism in adipose, liver, and muscle tissues between 6 and 36 wk. However, a 38?81% reduction in β3/β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) mRNA and protein levels was observed in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) of PAFR-deficient mice. Whereas a single injection of the β3-adrenergic agonist, CL-316,243 (25 μg/kg) increased temperatures in the brown fat and rectums of WT mice, this increase in temperature was markedly suppressed in PAFR-deficient mice. Acetyl-CoA:lyso-platelet-activating factor (PAF) acetyltransferase, which is involved in PAF biosynthesis, and the PAF receptor were predominantly localized in BAT macrophages, whereas brown adipocytes possessed the enzyme and functional PAF receptors. The stimulation of brown adipocytes by PAF induced the expression of β3-AR mRNA and protein (1.5- and 1.9-fold, respectively), but not that of UCP1. These results indicate that obesity in PAFR-deficient mice resulted from impaired BAT activity and suggest that the antiobese function of PAF occurs through β3-AR/UCP1 expression in BAT.





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