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2015-06-04 21:51 閱讀:2501 來源:醫(yī)脈通 作者:林* 責(zé)任編輯:林夕
[導(dǎo)讀] 2015年ASCO年會(huì)于5月29日—6月2日在美國(guó)芝加哥召開。5月30日下午消化系統(tǒng)(結(jié)直腸)腫瘤口頭報(bào)告專場(chǎng)上,一項(xiàng)摘要號(hào)為3508的HERACLES試驗(yàn),在HER2擴(kuò)增的轉(zhuǎn)移性結(jié)直腸癌(mCRC)患者中,評(píng)估了曲妥珠單抗和拉帕替尼的療效。



    納入研究的對(duì)象是經(jīng)氟尿嘧啶,奧沙利鉑,伊立替康,貝伐珠單抗,西妥昔單抗或帕尼單抗治療后進(jìn)展,且HER2+[>50%的細(xì)胞IHC3+或2+,同時(shí)FISH陽性(HER2:CEP17>2)]的腫瘤患者。拉帕替尼口服給藥,每日1次,曲妥珠單抗靜脈給藥,每周一次,均為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)劑量。每8周評(píng)效一次。研究的主要終點(diǎn)是客觀反應(yīng)(OR,RECIST v1.1)。預(yù)計(jì)研究觀察到的陽性O(shè)Rs為6/27(α=0.05;β=85%;H1=30%)。依次測(cè)定收集液體的HER2 ctDNA(ddPCR/NGS法)和胞外(ECD)血漿水平(ELISA法)直至疾病進(jìn)展。

    截至2015年1月31日,該研究篩選出913例患者,發(fā)現(xiàn)HER2陽性者44例(4.8%),其中23例符合評(píng)價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):2F/21M,中位年齡63歲(r=40-86),ECOG PS評(píng)分≤1,中位既往方案數(shù)為5(r=3-8)。主要終點(diǎn)ORs為8/23[7 PR,1 PRunc(時(shí)間短);ORR=35%(95%CL 20-55)];8例PR的患者中有7例為HER2 IHC3+.療效持續(xù)時(shí)間為8+、12+、14+、24、24.5+32、54+和55+周。中位疾病進(jìn)展時(shí)間為5.5個(gè)月(95%CL3.7-9.8)。

    毒副反應(yīng)僅限于2級(jí)腹瀉、乏力、皮疹(1例3級(jí))。2/3 ORs、0/2無反應(yīng),以及2/2 ORs,0/6 SD或PD的患者出現(xiàn)了HER2+ ctDNA與ECD水平的下降。本研究同步呈現(xiàn)HER2基因量的相關(guān)分析探索和指定病例的外顯子分析。

    5%的KRAS基因2號(hào)外顯子野生型mCRC患者伴有HER2基因擴(kuò)增。HERACLES試驗(yàn)的研究對(duì)象為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方案(包括EGFR靶向藥物)深度治療后的患者,其主要終點(diǎn)客觀反應(yīng)達(dá)8/23,表明雙重抗HER2治療是有效的,值得進(jìn)一步該方案早期應(yīng)用于HER2陽性mCRC患者的臨床評(píng)估。HERACLES試驗(yàn)由Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro資助。臨床試驗(yàn)信息:2012-002128-33.


    Trastuzumab and lapatinib in HER2-amplified metastatic colorectal cancer patients (mCRC): The HERACLES trial.(Abstract 3508)Authors:Salvatore Siena, Andrea Sartore-Bianchi,et al.

    Session Type:Oral Abstract Session

    Background:We conducted a phase II of trastuzumab (T) and lapatinib (L) in HER2-amplified, KRAS exon 2 wild-type, mCRC pts resistant to standard therapies (HERACLES Trial EudraCT 2012-002128-33)。

    Methods:Pts progressing after fluoropyrimidines, oxaliplatin, irinotecan, bevacizumab, cetuximab or panitumumab were eligible if tumor was HER2+ [IHC3+ or 2+ and FISH positive (HER2:CEP17 > 2) in > 50% cells]. L was given po qd, T iv qw at standard doses. Response was assessed q 8 wks. The primary end-point was objective response (OR, RECIST v1.1)。 To consider the study positive 6/27 ORs had to be observed (α = 0.05; β = 85%; H1 = 30%)。 Serial liquid biopsies for HER2 ctDNA (ddPCR/NGS) and ectodomain (ECD) plasma levels (ELISA) were collected until progression.

    Results:As of Jan 31 2015, 913 pts were screened, 44 found HER2+ (4.8%), and 23 eligible and evaluable: 2F/21M, median age 63 (r = 40-86), ECOG PS ≤ 1, median prior regimens 5 (r = 3-8)。 Primary endpoint was met with 8/23 ORs [7 PR, 1 PRunc (too early); ORR = 35% (95% CL 20-55)]; 7/8 ORs were observed in HER2 IHC3+ pts. Responses lasted: 8+, 12+, 14+, 24, 24.5+ 32, 54+ and 55+ weeks. Median time to progression was 5.5 months (95% CL 3.7-9.8)。 Toxicity was limited to G2 diarrhea, fatigue, and rash (1 G3)。 HER2+ ctDNA and ECD levels decreased in 2/3 ORs and 0/2 non responders and in 2/2 ORs 0/6 with SD or PD, respectively. Exploratory correlative **yses of HER2 gene dosage will be presented together with exome **ysis of index cases.

    Conclusions:HER2 is amplified in 5% of WT exon 2 KRAS mCRC patients. The HERACLES trial met its primary endpoint with 8/23 objective responses in pts heavily pretreated with standard therapies, including EGFR-targeted agents, indicating that the dual anti HER2 therapy is effective and deserves further clinical assessment in earlier lines of treatment of HER2+ mCRC patients. HERACLES is funded by Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro. Clinical trial ***rmation: 2012-002128-33.





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